With his mother being an artist and his father a painter and creative director, Bart grew up in a family where creativity was always around. In high school he discovered a fondness for acting during theatre courses, but the love for telling stories soon turned to the moving image.

Inspired by themes like good and evil, social issues and the extremes in life, Bart’s goal is to tell about, and visualize psychological struggle, in the end hoping to find warmth in places where you least expect it.

In 2014 Bart graduated at the Dutch Film Academy. His debut film North East Hard West was nominated for 14 international awards, and won 5 prestigious prices including the Wildcard, an incentive award for young talented filmmakers.

After graduating Bart starting working on his feature length documentary film Molenbeek (working title). The film will comprise of a long nightly trip during the thoughts of young and troubled minds, in the context of radicalisation.
Next to this longer project, multiple Tv productions were realized, including the poetic sports documentary Phenoms for 20th Century Fox and Fox Sports.